Alex Cross is a complex and brilliant detective, adapted from the James Patterson series of novels. The sequel Along Came a Spider; and Tyler Perry as the titular character in 2012’s Alex Cross, a box office bomb and a previously planned Double Cross sequel, led Lionsgate to scrap it. However, I’ve written it off, thinking it’s Luther’s poor cousin in the UK with Idris Elba. Both he and Cross are considered to have extraordinary psychological analysis skills. With Luther you get that. With Cross you don’t. In 8 episodes he gives the whole "Spideysense" a look that others don’t, and there are some great performances from some of the big actors. Their scenes don’t do justice to the great performances of the leads, and the final point is Isiah Mustafa. In this show he is the spitting image of Andy Farrell, the coach of the Irish rugby team. One is black and the other is white but, boy, are the similarities endearing, but I think Luther does it better!
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